The Train2invest Program
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Re-Inventing Wealth Management with a New Paradigm
Forget the ancient strategies of BUY & HOLD!
Think RIM; Nortel; Eton; Jetsgo; Target Canada etc. – a whole bunch of people are holding on to a whole lot of worthless paper!
Here’s a novel concept: Take small profits at shorter intervals!
How about taking 1% within 14 days? Approximately 30% per year on a compounded basis!
What does your headspace say to the above statement?
Can’t be done!
Why? The ‘experts’ couldn’t do it, so a novice can’t.
Maybe there is a reason why the experts want you to think that?
REMEMBER – Freedom 55: Guess what? Your financial planner retired at 55 on the fees you GAVE him!
Many individuals who are very successful at their careers or at running their business remain intimidated at the thought of managing their own investments. They feel inadequate in their ability to understand what is required and subsequently rely almost solely on “experts” to make the decisions for them. Even though most people are highly capable of making informed, intelligent choices, they abdicate their most important resource (hard earned savings and investments) to third parties who may not share the same goals as the individual/family. By only following the advice of traditional investing philosophies (some of which may be outdated), they limit the growth of their portfolios to industry averages.
Even though the markets have changed significantly over the past 30 years, most people have not changed the way their money is put to work.
In addition, traditional investing methodologies often times have significant fees associated with them and most investors do not know that these fees have a huge impact on the growth of their portfolios. The returns they receive are usually mediocre at best and quite costly at worst resulting in real challenges for families as they age towards retirement.
At TRAIN2INVEST we focus on changing that inherited mindset by teaching people to follow a strategy and philosophy that produces sound results and by building their confidence through action. By giving people a choice in how they invest their money, we are enabling them to take a portion of their portfolio and, through their self-directed efforts, build a legacy of wealth and knowledge for their future and their children’s future.
THE CONCEPT: Aspects of Investing
To become a successful self-directed investor means understanding three main aspects of investing. These include:
By teaching Fundamental, Technical and Emotional analysis within our program, we maintain a high success rate through the establishment of sound investing principles.
When it comes to the management of investments, you don’t need a PhD in finance or economics to consider taking on this responsibility. The skill-set of investing, just like any other skill-set we learn, can be successfully attained through education, practice and ongoing improvement over a period of time. No one expects you to be an “expert” in a weekend.

TRAIN2INVEST was founded on the concept of providing a superior financial and investment education through a ‘STUDENT-CENTERED’ approach. The student’s success is our number one priority.
Delivering a step-by-step learning process that breaks down complex subject matter into manageable, bitesize pieces of information.
The TRAIN2INVEST program is a comprehensive 6-month hands-on learning and mentoring experience with the option of ongoing coaching and support as determined by the student. The time factor is important because we cannot change old habits or develop new ones with any degree of success within a few weeks. The TEACH, TRAIN, and COACH approach delivers complex issues in bite-sized modules eliminating information overload and targeting critical information analysis for decision making.
ONE SIZE does not fit all. We recognise that different people learn at a different pace (A Novel Concept?)
The structure is important because most people cannot just read books and apply this new-found knowledge. We follow a complete step-by-step learning process supported by knowledgeable coaches and mentors so each student can confidently learn, practice and develop the necessary skills required to manage their investments. We focus on the principles of capital preservation, sound money management and reducing risk through knowledge.
All of our education is delivered online and our students participate in a virtual classroom environment in real-time. All of the education is instructor-led and we encourage interactivity. This geographic independent delivery method provides accessibility to anyone who has high speed internet and eliminates the need to travel to get knowledge.
Knowing that most people lead busy lives, we have structured the classes in a manner that provides flexibility for most schedules. Classes are delivered weekly with some requirement for homework and practice in between. Obviously, any success comes with some personal effort and therefore it is important to allocate appropriate time to develop the necessary investing skills. Through our integrated approach, our students gain the knowledge and techniques required to achieve financial independence and build long-term, sustainable wealth.
Our philosophy is simple.
“……. small consistent gains following a strategic investing plan.”
We believe our training strategy will enable anyone to learn about wealth accumulation and money management. They will have obtained skills through a curriculum of hands-on training that can be applied in real-world situations. Through a systematic progression of teaching, training, coaching and mentoring, students acquire higher levels of wealth intelligence that they can use to improve the quality of their lives. Naturally the education gives anyone the potential to generate both cash flow and capital growth, but this potential can only be transformed into real wealth through motivation and discipline.
The model is based on conveying a simple and proven approach of attaining small gains (1%) within a targeted time frame (14 days) to achieve a specific return on invested capital within a year (15% to 30% on a compounded basis).
Since most people look at investing from a long-term buy and hold perspective, it is difficult for them to grasp these rates of return.
However, with the application of a new philosophy (shorten the hold cycle and be satisfied with a smaller gain every time) we can change the way people make decisions and subsequently build wealth.
The program is about investing in solid, blue-chip companies (a portfolio) by trading their individual shares.
Students learn how to analyze sectors and companies, how to establish trading ranges, when to buy their shares, how to monitor their positions, how to protect their capital and how to sell their shares for profit.
VISION is the ability to think about or plan the future with imagination and wisdom!
If you consider that the definition of a vision is “An image of the future we seek to create”, then from an Investing/Trading perspective, the vision statement is a description of what you ideally want to accomplish within a given time horizon.
TRAIN2INVEST places a high priority on our students having the right vision to be successful.

Words have power. When you don’t have that clear long-term goal written down, you become reactive to life and situations rather than being proactive. Most of us only think of immediate and short-term objectives when we are deciding. But we all know that a person who succeeds is the person who keeps a focus on the future.
It is easy for all of us to get lost in the mundane activities of our daily life. A vision statement provides that hope for a better future. It also gives meaning to certain activities we indulge in. These, at first, might seem pointless but if you have a vision statement you can see the value they add in the long term.
What most people lack when it comes to investing is a series of goals that support their vision.
To use the acronym S.M.A.R.T., these goals must be:
S Specific
M Measurable
R Realistic
A Achievable
T Time Bound
We work with you to create a VISION statement that meets your family’s vision, not the vision of some ‘Expert’!

- Phase 1: The Teaching Sessions
- Phase 2: The Training Sessions
- Phase 3: The Coaching & Mentoring Sessions
Phase 1: The Teaching Sessions (Lectures)
These sessions focus on building your foundational knowledge of the markets and decision-making process. It consists of an overview of the stock market followed by 10 weeks of online education with a class delivered once per week on a pre-scheduled time-slot. Each class is a unique teaching session (approximately 1 hour per session per week) that builds on the previous weeks knowledge and utilizes current market conditions to support the goal of the lesson.
Each of these sessions are recorded ensuring that all of our students have opportunity to understand and progress even if they miss a class due to outside circumstances i.e. if you miss a class, you can listen to the recorded session at your convenience!
The purpose of PHASE 1 is to establish the process of critical thinking such that an individual can approach a decision with confidence and knowledge. We cover both fundamental and technical details for a well-rounded view of the markets. Lessons include but are not limited to:
Fundamental Analysis (FA)
- Module 1: Financial Excellence
- Module 2: Globalization & Economics
- Module 3: Sector Analysis
- Module 4: Financial Statement Analysis
- Module 5: Portfolio Analysis
Technical Analysis (TA)
- Module 1: Support & Resistance
- Module 2: Technical Indicators
- Module 3: Advanced Technical Analysis
- Module 4: Risk Management
- Module 5: Emotional Analysis
During PHASE 1 the students will learn to:
- Understand the basic components of trading shares and be able to perform this function readily in various market conditions
- Understand how risk is a component of trading and investing
- Research organizations and establish criteria in selecting which organizations to invest in
- Understand the dynamics of trading and apply the philosophy to their trading style
- Understand the need for discipline when applying an investment strategy
- Understand the difference between a trading plan and an investing plan and how they work together
Phase 2: The Training Sessions (Application)
As students move into PHASE 2, they are beginning to paper trade and make decisions on companies and sectors. This phase focuses on applying the learned concepts to actual decisions with real companies. We deliver weekly information through our Real Time Market Analysis (RTMA) to keep the investor on top of what is happening within the markets and around the world. We also deliver additional ADVANCED CLASSES that further establish risk management, emotional management and money management as key concepts in the successful investor’s plan.
This phase is approximately 3 ½ months in length and establishes the process that you will follow in making real decisions with real money. The primary outcome is a well-defined trading plan that fits your risk profile.
During PHASE 2 the students will learn to:
- Develop/structure their wealth plan including how they will work with the active and passive components of their portfolio
- Implement their decision process with real life scenarios but with practice accounts
- Interpret the global news and events and understand how they impact markets
- Establish their risk profile
- Create trade scenarios to protect their capital and provide optimal opportunities for investment growth
Phase 3: Coaching and Mentoring (Execution)
Most novice investors struggle because they lack the coaching and support to understand the environment, they are trading in. PHASE 3, which is delivered in conjunction with PHASE 2, helps students interpret the decisions they are making in the context of the larger market. It focuses on developing better trading strategies through ongoing communication, support and mentoring. Students have access to scheduled coaching sessions, periodic market updates, market emails, and monthly newsletters. If required, students can re-take classes during this phase thereby eliminating the anxiety of learning new subject matter and ensuring that you understand and practice what is required to be successful.
Key items include:
- Paper trading analysis
- Advanced technical analysis support
- Individual coaching
- One-on-one support
TRAIN2INVEST believes tools are necessary to make your job easier but they are not there to replace your ability to think. As such, all of our education will utilize widely available, free technical tools that offer complete analysis and charting capabilities. One does not need a myriad of technical indicators or analytical tools to be successful.
Learning how to interpret technical data is far more important than having a chart filled with indicators.
The key to successful investing is confidence and consistency.
With the knowledge, structure and planning, tools and with the right support resources, almost any individual has the potential to build wealth. The change in your financial future through education is nothing short of phenomenal.
What happens after the 6 months? Extended Support and Coaching
After the first 6 months of teaching, training and coaching, students have the option of 4 different levels of ongoing support and coaching to ensure they are getting the most out of what they have just learned. Each level provides a different focus from an information-based option to a full portfolio mentoring-based option. The student is in a much better position to understand the support and coaching they will require based on their individual trading and investing skill-sets at that time.
What is the Cost of the Program?
- Let’s deal with a concept called VALUE!
- Which one of these cars is worth $75,000?
- (They are both cars that take you from A to B… except when you meet a MACH truck!).

Now, here’s what you need to do:
- FIRST: calculate the COST that you are currently paying per year then multiply it 10 times.
- SECOND: What if you earned 5% p.a. on the COST that you just gave away? How much would that amount to?
- THIRD: What did you receive for the fee that you paid?