Taiwan President Tsai resigns as chair of ruling party after it suffers major defeat in local electionsTaiwan’s President Tsai Ing-wen has resigned as chairman of the ruling party after it […]
Author: Consultant
Oh Sh*t, It’s REALLY Happening
Oh Sh*t, It’s REALLY Happening CBCDhttps://www.google.com/search?q=Central+Bank+Digital+Currency+UK+Youtube&rlz=1C1ONGR_enCA1025CA1025&sxsrf=ALiCzsaO7McxtxF1keDl4-R3nmi3CfBDbw:1669498894333&ei=DoiCY_75E9ucptQPnNqMaA&start=10&sa=N&ved=2ahUKEwj-uLKE6Mz7AhVbjokEHRwtAw0Q8NMDegQIBRAW&biw=1536&bih=743&dpr=1.25#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:cd208edb,vid:vTOYJ4QCPnI
Central bank digital currency (CBDC)
Central bank digital currency (CBDC)We are building the capability to issue a digital version of the Canadian dollar—known as a central bank digital currency (CBDC)—that Canadians can trust and rely on […]
Calendar: Nov 28 – Dec 2
Calendar: Nov 28 – Dec 2Monday, November 28(830 am ET) Canada current account balanceEarnings include: Pinduoduo Inc.==Tuesday, November 29Japan jobless rate and retail sales for OctoberEuro area economic and consumer […]
Beijing grinds to a near halt as China’s capital city battles Covid with more lockdowns
Beijing grinds to a near halt as China’s capital city battles Covid with more lockdownsMore and more apartment compounds in Beijing on Friday forbade residents from leaving for at least […]
Oil falls as supply-disruption fears ease amid Russian price cap talks
Oil falls as supply-disruption fears ease amid Russian price cap talksPUBLISHED THU, NOV 24 202212:05 AM ESTOil prices fell on Thursday, extending losses from the previous session, as fears of supply […]
Apple and Elon Musk’s Twitter are on a collision course
Apple and Elon Musk’s Twitter are on a collision courseMusk wants to vastly increase the amount of money the company makes through subscriptions while opening up the site to more […]
Earnings – Nov 23 -30
China may have ‘passed the point of no return’ as Covid infections soar
China may have ‘passed the point of no return’ as Covid infections soarIn the last few days, the mainland China daily Covid case count has climbed to around or more […]